
Information Value
Parent Northern
Type District
Name Saboba
Area 1,754.21 km2
Key Value
adm 2
pcode GH0809
Geometry attribution GSS/ROWCA, CC-BY-3.0-IGO

Data Layers

Category Name Key First Last Latest value Actions
Environmental Urban land cover | copernicus_built 2015 2019 0.35 %
Environmental Cropland land cover | copernicus_crop 2015 2019 37.73 %
Environmental Forest land cover | copernicus_forest 2015 2019 8.33 %
Environmental Herbaceous wetland land cover | copernicus_herbveg 2015 2019 9.13 %
Environmental Permanent herbaceous wetland land cover | copernicus_herbwet 2015 2019 0.84 %
Environmental Moss and litchen land cover | copernicus_moss 2015 2019 0.0 %
Environmental Shrubland land cover | copernicus_shrub 2015 2019 43.6 %
Environmental Bare and sparse land cover | copernicus_sparse 2015 2019 0.0 %
Environmental Permanent water bodies land cover | copernicus_water 2015 2019 0.01 %
Weather Maximum temperature (station) | meteo_tmax 2021-01-02 2024-09-23 28.4 °C
Weather Minimum temperature (station) | meteo_tmin 2021-01-02 2024-09-23 22.0 °C
Weather Precipitation (station) | meteo_prcp 2021-01-02 2024-09-23 15.9 mm
Demographic Population count worldpop_popc 2010 2020 77370.0 entities
Demographic Population density worldpop_popd 2010 2020 45.41 entities/km²
Demographic Travel time to nearest health facility (motorized) malariaatlas_traveltimehc 2019 2019 28.029 minutes
Climatic Tropical, rainforest climate coverage koeppen_af 1901 2020 0.0 %
Climatic Tropical, monsoon climate coverage koeppen_am 1901 2020 0.0 %
Climatic Tropical, savannah climate coverage koeppen_aw 1901 2020 100.0 %
Climatic Arid, desert climate coverage koeppen_bw 1901 2020 0.0 %
Climatic Arid, steppe climate coverage koeppen_bs 1901 2020 0.0 %
Climatic Temperate, dry summer climate coverage koeppen_cs 1901 2020 0.0 %
Climatic Temperate, dry winter climate coverage koeppen_cw 1901 2020 0.0 %
Climatic Temperate, no dry season climate coverage koeppen_cf 1901 2020 0.0 %
Climatic Cold, dry summer climate coverage koeppen_ds 1901 2020 0.0 %
Climatic Cold, dry winter climate coverage koeppen_dw 1901 2020 0.0 %
Climatic Cold, no dry season climate coverage koeppen_df 1901 2020 0.0 %
Climatic Polar, tundra climate coverage koeppen_et 1901 2020 0.0 %
Climatic Polar, frost climate coverage koeppen_ef 1901 2020 0.0 %
Weather Average temperature (station) | meteo_tavg 2021-01-02 2024-09-23 24.6 °C
Infrastructure Access to clean drinking water | dhs_drinkwater None None n/a